Refill with Reka | A place where Moms Thrive

Learning how to create the life we desire w/ Emmaka P. Veneszee

Reka Leftridge

We gathered together to reminisce about the '90s and opened a time capsule Mom Vibe Check. Emmaka, a powerful woman with a combination of corporate expertise and military discipline, joined us. She shared stories of motherhood and ambition, which inspired us. As we laughed about Chico sticks and sitcom memories, our conversation turned into a rich dialogue on how childhood encouragement can lead to adult success. Emmaka's story, which was full of encouragement from her mother, showed us how every mom has the power to prioritize her dreams and shape her destiny with intention.

Our chat dives deep into the difficult topic of divorce and the personal struggles that come with it. Emmaka talks about her experience with honesty and bravery, turning her shame into an opportunity for growth. We draw a comparison between the shedding and renewal of leaves in nature and our own capacity for rejuvenation, showing that even during life's toughest moments, we can always find potential for new beginnings.

In our final reflections, we cast a light on the quest for self-discovery amidst life's cacophony. Emmaka and I candidly share the complexities of peeling back the layers to unearth the 'self' beneath societal expectations, emphasizing the importance of nurturing the soul with love and relationships. The exchange culminates in an empowering rally cry, encouraging listeners to embrace their own journeys with grace and to trust that each scar from life's battles is a mark of learning and growth. J

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Speaker 1:

What's better than a regular happy hour? How about an ultimate happy hour for moms? Martini Mamas podcast is a weekly hangout for modern mamas to discuss mamahood, work-life balance, blended families and self-care. So whether you're looking for advice, community or a new bestie, you are in the right place. Cheers.

Speaker 2:

And today we have such an amazing guest on Emma Kapoor, shea Venice, a true powerhouse both in the corporate world and military service. Emika serves as the executive manager at Typeform and is the CEO of IME Consulting, a staffing firm that she co-founded, which proudly champions women and veterans. Her career is nothing but impressive. Y'all Join me as we get into a conversation of you are in control of living your dream life. Let's get into it. Hey guys, are y'all ready to get into this? Mom vibe check with Emmy. I know y'all are. Come on, let's see where she at. The first question is which friend group could we catch you in, martin or living single?

Speaker 3:

Living single Didn't have to think about it. I just the camaraderie, the ups and downs and lows, but still being able to come back full circle and remember why we're friends. That's going to be it for me okay, now and living single.

Speaker 2:

Who was your favorite character?

Speaker 3:

um, I would say Queen Latifah yeah. Latifah is because I feel like she was. She was the one who was always eating kill. You had the other folks who were either on the left side of the spectrum, all the way on the right or just all the way top, and she was basically that person who would always come back and center to say, okay, why are we doing this? What, what, what is this really about? Right? Yes, so I'm gonna say queen latifah, for me because that's you, that's you.

Speaker 2:

You be keeping us centered. Okay, which 90s show? Because, and the reason why I'm asking this question is me and the spouse were at home and we were thinking about all the shows that we needed to like, have our kids watch before they leave the house, right one being, since the color purple came around, we feel like everybody need to watch the color purple, the original one. What is one show, old school show that you introduced your kids to like? You gotta watch this, like they had to know about so I gotta be straightforward with you better.

Speaker 3:

I'm not a tv watcher. I've never been a tv watcher per se and I've never told my kids watch this show. That's not the case. However, if I had to pick a show that I would watch now, my sister, my older sister now she did like listen. She wasn't playing with the tv after school, but if I had a show, it probably would be a different world. Oh yes, it's gonna be a different word, because you got everything up in there. You got the importance of education, you got the struggle, you got the friendship piece, you got the love and war piece. All that was a mix for me and it was like the truth of living, growing, hurting, I mean, it was all that. So so I'm gonna say a different world, okay that's a good one.

Speaker 2:

That's a good one. All right, this is our last question for our mom vibe check. Okay, now I did this one specifically for you because I know you love your snacks period period. Which snacks? Which old school snack? If you could bring it back you, you like, I want these need to be on the shelf. Which is it? What's your favorite?

Speaker 3:

so I will stand up and I will get you my candy jar. That's on my desk right now but it's empty because I can't keep it in there, and it's a chico stick. So I get the mini chico stick. I ordered them on amazon by the bag and I don't play, so I'll go through at least maybe 10 to 15 Chico sticks the small mini ones per day Better stop. Why I'm always brushing these teeth is I like Chico sticks. That's going to be the candy for me. That's going to be the snack for me.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my goodness. Well, thank you, I think you are. You are a total vibe. You're a total vibe. I think we all can relate to just everything you said, right From the Queen Latifah being the boss, because I definitely can see you in that role. Now to them.

Speaker 3:

Chico sticks.

Speaker 2:

I remember the sour candy too, oh okay, y'all, I hope y'all just enjoyed that little bit segment there, just to kind of take y'all back down memory lane. But to bring us back on topic today we are going to be talking about you are in control of living the life of your dreams.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think this is an important topic, not just as a mom but just as a woman, because I think sometimes we start putting everybody's goals and passions before our own and I think we just need to sit back sometimes and realize that we are in control of living the life of our dreams. But that takes some things and I wanted to bring Amy on because, honey, I already said her resume and we're going to get down to the nitty and gritty of how she became the woman she is today. Are you ready, emmy?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I am.

Speaker 2:

Okay, now we know who you are today, right, but tell me about little Emmy, like how did you get to the point where you are right now? What do you think was the most pivotal one?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I would say, when we talk about dreams and trying to figure out what that thing is for you, some of us don't know how to dream or some of us have not dreamed. So I think the pivotal piece for me is that my mom she would tell us all the time, literally she would say you could be whatever you want to be, you could do whatever you want to do. I mean, sometimes she would even get aggressive and say things like you know, no matter what I do, I'm going to make sure you successful, you know, in an aggressive, like authoritative tone of like you don't have a choice. So I think that that was the pivotal moment for me growing up that I really didn't have a choice of whether I was going to do what I wanted to do and be really good at it. Like that was going to be it for me.

Speaker 2:

Wow, which is amazing, because flip side of that, you know, I didn't have that. I didn't have someone really pushing me to be all that I can be, and I think that may be the story for a lot of people, and I know that you're the type of person that knows how to overcome barriers. But what was one of the biggest barriers that you faced that took you from saying, look, I can't play, no more games about it.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm, it would have to be my divorce. So I was married before. You know my current marriage now. So that was the thing for me. But I'll take it back just a little bit. When you say, hey, listen, a lot of folks are really not in the situation where you have somebody in power and you are telling you this is what you can do. What I would say, too, is that hats off to the people that find that thing when they don't have it, that thing, to empower them, to encourage them, because it's not the fact that we've had a lot, it's not the fact that we were in great circumstances, it was the fact that, in the worst of circumstances, my mom made sure that that was going to be the important piece in the bad shit. Okay, even though this shit is bad, this is going to be the thing that I'm going to instill in these girls and this boy, but I think, for the most part, the divorce.

Speaker 3:

For me, three things. I was embarrassed, right Cause I didn't want people to know that I was about to go through a divorce, so that was very hard. The next thing is that I was battling whether to stay in a relationship that was toxic as fuck, because I didn't want my daughter to not have her biological father. And then, last but least, I was thinking to myself I'm married, I'm young, I've got a baby. I'm going to have to get out of this marriage, have a baby, start all over again. I'm young, I've got a baby. I'm going to have to get out of this marriage, have a baby, start all over again. How is this going to work for me?

Speaker 3:

So I had to get over that. I had to say, hey, I'm about to fail. And I'm about to fail real hard. And I did. I failed financially, spiritually, mentally. I was broken because I felt like I had failed my child more than anything, because I knew that this was a relationship I probably wasn't supposed to be in in the first place. I just made a bunch of bad decisions, knowingly that they were bad decisions. So I would say that was. That was the thing where I had to sort of kind of say, ok, she about to get rough.

Speaker 2:

So getting married? I know you say it right now. You just made a whole bunch of bad decisions. Initially, the marriage wasn't bad. How did? How did we get to the point of turning bad? Was it just like you wasn't signed up for it? Or was you just like yo? I had the wool pulled on?

Speaker 3:

my eyes, this dude is crazy. No, the marriage was always bad. The marriage was bad on day, negative too, and I think it's truth. Right, I'm just being we're being very raw here. A lot of women, we know that, we know what time it is, we know what it is and we make decisions to, you know, say, hey, I'm not even going to pay attention to that or I'm going to hope for the best. I'm going to pray this into what I want it to be. Um, you know all the the BS that we do, but if we're very much honest with ourselves, we can say I knew this wasn't that. I knew what the time was, you know, and so that's what it was for me. It wasn't that. One day I woke up and said what's going?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening. No child walking down the aisle. I'm like you know what.

Speaker 2:

I happening, no child walking down the aisle. I'm like you know what I'm gonna need you guys? Oh lord, we, we get to the point, we down the aisle, but then we fast forward. What gave you the courage to really just leave? I know for a fact there's a lot of women stuck in situations and holding on to some things, thinking that it's just gonna work themselves out and not living the life they could be living, because they're holding on to a dream.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So what I would say first is that I believe in rebuild, I believe in working out, I believe in figuring things out in a relationship where it's worth it, okay. So I'm not an advocate for divorce. I'm not an advocate for divorce. I'm not an advocate for giving up. I'm an advocate for commitment okay, staying in and sticking it through what you signed up for when it's worth it.

Speaker 3:

And so I think the value system there is really what comes into play when you say is this thing worth? Right? Are we over here fucking killing each other? Or you know, the bad days not outweighing the good days, but there aren't any good days, right? Um? Are we not really compatible?

Speaker 3:

Do we see things so differently that this will never work, you know? And do I stay with a person and allow them to steal my joy and me suck their fucking joy away too, like I mean? So that's the key of it all, I think, is, like you know, come into reality of what things really are. Um, when it comes to throwing in the towel. But you have a lot of people who can't see themselves outside of their current situation, like they can't even pull themselves up enough to know that everything, everything, everything, with time it heals, and so this is just a moment in time. And so, if that, if you can encourage yourself enough to understand that, no matter what happens, no matter with who, where, how, this too shall pass, and that is what I think can get you through anything, whether it be a divorce, whether it be a job or relationships, et cetera, is that everything's seasonal. The leaves have to come off the tree.

Speaker 2:

So Girl, they regrow. Oh, say that again. We can run that bad Trees, don't get back on a tree, they regrow.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the leaves. Yeah, the leaves come off, but they come back on.

Speaker 2:

They come back on. Everything heals with time. I think as a woman, I've experienced a lot of setbacks, right, but you're right, it's all about your mindset and how you're going to deal with those setbacks For you, and I value this about you as it's. One of the things that I admire about you is that I've seen you give it all away and, like you said, re regrow, come back even stronger. I've seen you lift your friends up in a way where sometimes we don't even know what we should be doing and you're like and I think we need that but who? Who's there to push you in your lowest moments, like, what do? What does a low moment look like for you?

Speaker 3:

So I'm not just. This is not just to. You know, push you. Friends like you, the people who you surround yourself with. You know my grandmother used to say to me you know, your friends are like an elevator They'll take you up or they'll take you right on down. There's no in between Elevators, don't go side to side Up and down. So when you add that little moment, you got to make sure that you have people around you who will inspire you, who will be truthful to you. Yeah, because you can have a lot of people who say they love you but in your darkest moments they think that they don't want to hurt you and they will lie to you and that will only make things worse. So you need to find people also who are like-minded. You know not all. You know when I say, hey, we want to think on the same accord every single time everything but like-minded in regards to you know what we both our integrity stands tall, period. What we don't do is we don't breach that.

Speaker 2:

And we don't lie to each other.

Speaker 3:

And we don't lie to each other Like here wait, even if it means that we might look, this phone call means that she gonna hang up. She ain't gonna text Jack, she ain't gonna text Jack, man, it's gonna be weird a little bit, but we're gonna get right back on it, but that's. This is necessary, yeah, and I said it's some bullshit, but that's and you, vice versa, yeah, I think that is it. At the lowest moment is and for me, I would probably say, at my lowest moment for me is maybe when I'm burnt out, because I'm a person who's like give, give, give.

Speaker 3:

So many different tentacles, so many different, you know, things of grabbing at me or me eating not so much, but me and I mean I'm that type of person I'm still learning that Do I need to be needed, right. And so for me, at some points it can get very exhausting and I'm like, okay, I'm tapped out. I don't think I have nothing else left, yeah, and so at that moment is when I start to look for people who are givers to me, right, who's that person that feeds me? And so I just thank God that I have a couple people that, when I get to that moment, you, you know, they could feed me.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you something you are a giver that is like your ministry, right there it is. I say that all the time. I'm like this girl Good, no, don't do it. You go always find the good, but no, I think we should speak more to that only because you are very much so career driven. We should speak more to that only because you are very much so career driven, right. And I think sometimes, if we are being honest with ourselves, we don't let ourselves feel burnout. We will camouflage the burnout with oh, I just need a nap, oh, oh, you know, it's just that time of the month when, in all actuality, is the ego of us wanting to be needed or it can't be done without me. And so what I hear you saying is that you're now in a season of prioritizing your yes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I felt that you can say that one more time, like you're in a season to prioritize your yes and I'm in that way too Only because you can't be everything to everybody and show up fully. And one thing I know about you is you're not going to do a halfway Like you ain't no half step.

Speaker 2:

You ain't you ain't tiptoeing, we ain't diddy. I should say diddy because he got a lot of stuff going on with him right now. So we'll, you know, take that. Take that like you. You're not going to do a halfway. And so, now that you are, take that, take that, like you. You're not going to do a halfway. And so, now that you are the woman that you are and burnout, I know for certain, you live by your calendar. What are some tips that you can give some of the mom entrepreneurs out there in balancing work life and home life?

Speaker 3:

Because I've seen you in both I go, you know this too. Life and home life, because I've seen you in both, you know this too. I go back to the military, the structure of just understanding where things should fall. So for me, of course, god is first, above all things, right. My family is right under there, and then of course you know other priorities and so forth. But for the most part, I think, when you have a home that's working, when you put your home, when the priority is home and God, those two things, like the other stuff, sort of kind of fall into place.

Speaker 3:

I think a lot of times and I've been a victim of this as well, or guilty of this, I should say is trying to make sure the career side is like intact, right. A lot of other stuff from maybe easy is falling by the wayside. But if you put things in order how they should be, like God is going to give you everything that he says that he will give you anything that's yours, you will get it, and the universe feels that that's just how that goes. So if you're making sure the husband, the children, the house, you know, if you make sure they they're understanding, they're learning, they're loving, right, we're showing compassion, we're nurturing here, we're doing all of that, the meaningful things. You know that us, as humans, we really need. That's why we're here.

Speaker 3:

Right, not the money, no, the other stuff. But when that stuff happens organically and authentically, you start other things start happening. Right, you, the career is there, because the stuff that's most important isn't unlocked. So I think that is like the main piece of it is not putting the worldly things before the things that really matter in life. That's what I would say.

Speaker 2:

And God ain't going to let it happen. No way, because God is a God of order. That's why, when he started the Bible out I don't know if anybody knows this, but shameless plug. That's why he said day one, bible out. I don't know if anybody knows this, but shameless plug. That's why he said day one, day two, day three. That's why it's written that way to show you structure, to show how you got to put things in order, and that rest is a part of it. And so when you're not resting and things are out of order, that's why you're burnt out, that's because, girl, get it together. And so for me, when I see things are cluttered and my car is looking a hot mess, and.

Speaker 1:

I don't even like I'm like, where are all my?

Speaker 2:

clothes at. It's a lot of things that's out of order. Right, when I'm not bonding with my husband and we're feeling distant, it's not that we're distant the house is the same.

Speaker 3:

What's that's showing me is that I'm out of order, you're out of order listen here.

Speaker 3:

That's, that's a whole situation, a whole word right there. Because with the order to, I I tell my kids I say, listen, like preparation is a whole situation. So it's not the fact that you see some people say, oh my goodness, this girl, this person, all these great things always happen to this person, or this person is doing this. So it's not the fact that the universe picks one person and say, hey, I'm going to do this for her, she's going to get this, she's going to be rewarded with this. The universe goes around right and everything that's there is there, okay, and it's passing me, you, him, her and the folks who are prepared and ready to receive.

Speaker 2:

That's what they say. Luck is right when preparation meets. What Destination? Or?

Speaker 3:

That's it. That's the whole situation right there, and I'm a true believer in that. So that goes back to that order piece of making sure that things are in place. So when your opportunity comes, you're ready, I'm prepared. This is an order over here. Let's do this.

Speaker 2:

Look that thing right there. We can rest right there. But I don't want to rush this, but I do want to talk about this, Because you said we don't allow ourselves to dream. What does that really look like for us Dreaming? What does that really look like for us Dreaming? How do we get to that?

Speaker 2:

I'm reading a book Becoming the Woman that I'm Destined to Be, or something like that, and it's a beautiful book, but in it it has, like your prayers and scriptures and all of the things these exercises, and in one of the exercises in there it has you write down 25 things that you want. And I struggle, not because I couldn't write 25 things, but I wanted to make sure what are things for me, or what are things by proxy of me. And do you get what I'm saying? When I struggle with that, it's like I want this thing, but I want this thing for my kid, but it's me wanting it. So is it for me or is it for my kid? And I think we don't take time to just say what is for you, Not the husband. As women, that's what we do we cover, we nurture, we set the tone in the house. But when is it about us? Do you like. How do you deal with that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's going to be an everlasting thing and it's a learning thing. It's a learning curve. You're going to have to figure out how to you know at some point. Do I make this about me? Some people have mastered it. But what I would say is I always like take the question back a notch and I think when you ask yourself, like what do I want, you have to first say who am I? Because a lot of us, you know, women, we really don't know. Like we have divided ourselves into so many different people, for whatever reasons. Yes, that we become this thing or this person of many characteristics, many profiles, and then, if we step back and we look at it, we say wait a minute, is what am I in there, somewhere it's one really me?

Speaker 3:

Who am I? Who am I? Am I a person who really enjoys doing 40% of the stuff that I do on a daily basis? Do I really like this shit?

Speaker 2:

Or am I just doing it Because somebody told me I got to do it? I?

Speaker 3:

don't know. You know what do I really enjoy? You know what's that thing that really? And then and also, and now we're in this moment when we talk about, you know, prospering and being successful and putting things in correct order, and I go back to say that when you do find who you are, what you want, everything else will fall into place, because then you will find yourself waking up every single day, being your true, authentic self, doing what you do, naturally, that you love to do, and most things that you love to do. You're going to do a pretty goddamn well. You're going to be disciplined about it, you're going to make it a priority and, in return, that persistence, that discipline, matches to where you don't have a choice but to be successful in that thing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah so that's what I would say, like figuring out who you are. I know it's cliche, I know it's that bad thing like I need to find myself. Oh, where's my book? Hold on, I gotta. Let me read this to you really quickly, okay, so this is a journal of many that I have, but this one that says finding yourself. Um, it's not really how it works. You aren't a ten dollar bill in last winter's coat pocket. You are also not lost. Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other other people's opinions and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid that became your beliefs about who you are. Finding yourself is actually returning to yourself, the end of those and remembering who you are before the world got its hands on you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's a real, that's a, that's a bar, because I think that we don't realize how many things have influenced us to be the people and to think the way we think, especially for our like thriving too right, like, how do you handle setbacks? Is it like life? Is already over, or do you just like? Okay, lesson learned. Which one are you? Lesson learned.

Speaker 3:

It depends. I go both ways. That's something I battle with right now too. It's still a battle for me because I'm very competitive, Don't like to lose right, Always want to win it, and so sometimes I do fall into a hole when things don't go my way. But again we got those people that can come help me get up out of that hole real quick and say, hey, this is what we're not going to do with your whining ass.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I just like that. You were just honest in that moment, because so many people be like oh no, I'm just like a lesson learned person when reality it is both. I felt that because I am too, you too. I hate to lose. I hate to lose, but two things right.

Speaker 2:

When I am feeling like I'm lost, I'm wondering where wasn't I not prepared that? Because it shouldn't have missed me, right? Yes, it shouldn't have missed me. So what? Like that's what I start self-assessing, right. Then the other part to that is I'm like okay, it missed me.

Speaker 2:

But then the exact thing that I'm saying, that I wanted to do, somebody else is doing and I'm like, hey, so what did they have the courage to do? And I think it's one of those things of being like bold and showing up Like they had the courage to show up, and so that's kind of been this running thread that I'm learning this. It's like, nah, you got it, but for some odd reason you refuse to show up, and so, because you're not going to show up, I get somebody else to do it, and then that then comes down to trust. So we're talking about when you understand who you are. It's just not understanding who you are. But it's understanding who God knows you to be and does he find you trustworthy. So we always talk about obedience, right, but can he trust you to get it done?

Speaker 3:

and I think sometimes when I'm trying to do it my way and not his way, yeah, and you know, you're right, but the crazy part about all of this is that we're not fooling anybody but ourselves. Oh, that's it, and that's why I say that constantly to myself. I say, emma, don't fool yourself. Goddamn. If anybody do any fooling, let it be somebody else, but don't ever be in a predicament to fool yourself. And that goes all the way back to what we have just talked about is being in a relationship that you know you should be nowhere near being a part of situations where you should be so far away from it. But you made a decision to be there fooling your own self, when clearly anybody can tell you that this is something that you should not be doing yeah, we tell ourselves like I've been sitting here just thinking like, man, we do tell ourselves some lies, we do, I don't know we do.

Speaker 2:

All right, yeah, man. Okay. Last question, and this might be a hard one, but I love to ask all my guests this, right, and this is what is one lesson that your mom never taught you.

Speaker 3:

It's a hard one.

Speaker 2:

Y'all think it's hard. It's not. My mother never taught me how to deal with hurt. Oh speak on it.

Speaker 3:

I am a very emotional person and I usually attach feelings to everything, but you can be good and bad, and so I have a tendency to feel every situation and in the instance where it does not feel good and it hurts me.

Speaker 3:

I don't know how to internalize that in a way to where it does not continue to burden me, where I can let it go. So I don't think I was ever taught that. I don't know if my mom could have taught me better in that um of learning how to let things go, but that I would have to say that that's something that I, that I don't know how to do well right now, is to to deal pain. I don't know how to deal with pain.

Speaker 2:

Pain as in what is one deep pain.

Speaker 3:

Pain has been giving someone or a situation. Trying to help a person right To the point of where you start to hurt that person because you become an enabler that becomes a pain, to where you can say I have tried to help this situation for years.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And it looks like all I did was feed all of the bad pieces of it by enabling this. That's a pain so is it?

Speaker 2:

is it the cutting off? Is it the letting go?

Speaker 3:

I don't think it's the letting go or the cutting off. I think it's more of the not realizing, um that love, or what you think might be love, is not. You can think that you are helping a person and loving them to a point of where you're actually hurting them. So I think that is where the pain is to ultimately understand that everything that's been done, we're still at square one, running in place, as Denzel Washington would say, lots of that, but no movement, no real movement, no progress.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my word. Okay, all right. Well, we are down to our last few minutes, I think, when we think about lessons of like, hurt and pain. I'm with you on that, because I didn't learn that either. Right, I didn't learn that pain, as being a mother too, no one teaches you how to deal with that and the grief that comes along with it.

Speaker 2:

When you got to stand back and let your kids make some decisions that you know, like, child told you, don't do it, but you got to let them do it and it grieves you a little bit, and you still got to bear it. And you still got to hug them out. And you still got to bear it. And you still got to hug them out. And you still got to wrap your arms. I think I missed the wrapping of the arms and because I've never had to, I've never was taught that I essentially had to like, teach myself, like, what would I want to feel in that moment? And give that. So that's good, that's good, that's good. All right, take us on out today. I like to end it with us raising a glass. Today, we are raising our glass to, and I have a martini glass here too. Y'all Don't be playing.

Speaker 3:

I have a glass, but I don't have anything in it, so I'll just raise my hand. Is that okay? That's okay. Just give us your what you raising it to? Let's see, I am raising my glass to not overthinking it, not getting lost in the sauce and being who you truly are, no matter where you are I love it.

Speaker 2:

Well y'all, I hope y'all enjoyed this conversation. I mean, for real, we talk like this all the time, y'all. I don't we really do. It's a little guttier, but we do talk like this all the time. I hope you enjoyed today's show. Remember, it's all about the pour, both figuratively and literally Pour into yourself this week, because if you don't, nobody else will Take care. Well, that is the end of today's show. I hope you enjoyed it. If we're not connected on Instagram, which is my favorite place to hang out, be sure to stop by and say hi at Martini Mamas podcast Also. If you haven't done so, please follow, rate and review us. Higher ratings and higher reviews mean more dope moms can find us and I keep bringing you fresh mom content. That matters until next thursday. Be blessed.